Vansh's Blog.

Introduction to Git and Github Workshop: A Comprehensive Guide

Vansh Sood
Vansh Sood

I am excited to share with you about the Git and Github workshop that I organized today for over 20 students from Dalhousie University. The workshop aimed to introduce students to version control, Git and Github, and how they can use these tools for efficient collaboration on software development projects.


During the workshop, we started with an introduction to version control and why it's important in software development. We then moved on to Git, where I demonstrated how Git works, including creating repositories, branching, committing, and merging. The students followed along with me using Git on their computers, and I was happy to answer their questions.

Next, I introduced Github, a web-based Git repository hosting service that provides various features such as pull requests, issue tracking, and team management. The students learned how to create an account on Github, how to create and fork repositories, and how to collaborate with others on a project.

We then discussed best practices in using Git and Github, including creating a meaningful commit message, using pull requests, and resolving conflicts. The students were encouraged to practice these best practices during the hands-on session where they collaborated with others on a simple software development project.

Overall, the workshop was a success, with students showing enthusiasm and asking insightful questions. I was thrilled to see how quickly they grasped the basics of Git and Github and how they can apply them to their projects. The workshop emphasized the importance of version control in software development and how Git and Github can help streamline the process of collaboration.

In conclusion, the Introduction to Git and Github workshop was a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about version control, Git, and Github. I hope that they found the workshop helpful and will continue to use Git and Github to collaborate and develop high-quality software in the future.

The complete slide deck can be found here: